Saturday 26 December 2015

Wi-Fi router

So we are shopping for Wi-Fi router and suddenly you see a router saying warless ac3200 with 3 bands and 3 gigabit per second Wi-Fi speed.
So let’s break it down in simple words. So first let’s get our terminology. Inside that box.

There are three things that power that machine and technically each of the component can be turned off. There are as follows:-

1. Router:-
Which controls the internet between your devices (home network) and all the other networks out there in the internet.
2. The network switch:-
The internet controller between all of your devices
3. The warless access paint:-
Which is responsible for the radio waves or in lay man’s language the Wi-Fi signal, the Wi-Fi signal is transmitted at 2.4 and 5 GHz. 

So some of us have seen that some router are marketed at 1900 mbps speed, but actually it will never reach its potential because 2.4 GHz speed is limited to 600 mbps and 5 GHz is limited to 1300 mbps. Some companies market it to 1900 mbps which out phones and laptops can’t reach at the same time.
After thinking for some time you will be thinking then what is the paint of buying dual band or triband routers if they can’t reach its marketed speeds.
Think like this way, instead of increasing the speed limit in the highway you are increasing the number of lanes in the highway.
The Wi-Fi routers work differently, instead of talking to all devices at the same time, they talk to only one client at a particular moment while others are waiting in the que. So a dual band or tri band router is transmitting data at 2 or 3 different frequencies at the same time that means the data is transferred to 2 or 3 devices at the same time.
So in conclusion put your older devices in a 2.4 GHz band and your newer devices in the 5 GHz band.
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Wednesday 16 December 2015

Difference between core i3, i5 and i7?

I love intel very much, they make cool process's for multimedia work but when it comes to products name its totally confusing.
What to choose a core i7 or a core i5???
What is all this i74700HQ???  But hold on for a second, we will get to it later. First a bit of background woo-dent it be simpler if we name just in them in the gigahertz they run at. Simpler short of but at time more confusing. Suppose when Pentium 4 was lunched an equivalently clocked Pentium 3 was more faster as it can do more work with each cycle. As a customer I will expect the product with higher name to be the better one and there lies the problem. Not all gigahertz are created equal and rating products that way is like rating the performance of a car in what rpm it runs.

One of the initiative are taker are taken to move away from this on early 2000 know as P.R.(Performance Rating) naming schema. Where the processor were given a 4 digit number and the enthusiast bereave was based on the performance of the processor of that clock speed. But this fixed nothing, indirectly processors were named in their clock speed.

Intel come in spotlight, it introduced the core series. A line of cpus which dramatically outperform their predecessors at much lower clocks and the gigahertz war ended, intel shifted their marinating to a new line of cup's and they are:-
1. Pentium dual core
2. Core i3
3. Core i5
4. Core i7
Core i3
Other than a Pentium a core i3 will be a most basic option with 2 processing core and hyper-threading for a better multitasking with smaller cash, it will consume less power and will perform wars than a i5 processor but it will cost less.
Core i5
mobile processor or the processor in a laptop will have 2 core with hyper-threading and the desktop will have 4 cores and no hyper-threading, the have few things in common improved on board graphics and turbo boost for temporary enhancements when your system needs the power for playing games or like this stuff.
All core i7 are hyper-threaded for heavy work loads. A core i7 can have 2 to 8 processioning cores form a ultra-book to a workstation, it can support 2 to 8 sticks of ram and its TDP can me from 10 Watts to 130 Watts. So there are many varieties there because it has more cache, faster turbo-boost and improved on-board graphics.
The summary that I can give is a core i7 is the best consumer great product that intel can built and the biggest drawback is the higher price tag.
The safest way to shop is to get a same company and the same generation it will be easy for you.
One thing I want to mention is (n -1) in the number of core that a processor can have, where n is equal to  the number after I.
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Sunday 29 November 2015

Noise cancelating headphones

Sometimes we drop a lot of our cash in a pair of noise cancelling headphones, but how much do we know about them. To understand this you don’t have to be master of physics, just the knowledge of your school will help.
As we all know sound travels in a form of a wave, which has crest (the upper most part) and a trough (the lower most part).
And when two identical wave meet the give ride to a stronger wave and this my friends is the job of two speaker to amplify the sound reaching you.
To cancel out sound your headphones uses more sound, when a Christ of a sound of one wave meet the trough of another wave of same frequency they cancel out then selves.

To do all this your headphones actually analyse the background noise and produce the anti-noise, but with all this hardware come some disadvantages, they are noose cancelling headphones are heavier than the normal once and they need power to do all this so they need batteries. Some of them don’t even work with batteries. There are many more factors that also elects the sound such as sound bleeding which is due to the cushion use.

Now you are little bit smatter than other people in noise cancelling headphones.

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Wednesday 18 November 2015


The topic today is about something that if it died you will be much more upset than your game
crashing at a match, and its storage. Now this isn’t a hard drive examination but some background
knowledge will help. A modern consumer grad hard drive spans at anywhere from around 5400
revolutions per min to 10000 revolutions per minute. Its head hovers around nanometres to write or
read the data, it’s basically a miracle that you can buy less than than a zillion dollars.
With a miracle, which you can buy. With some good things come bad things also, so sometimes the
RAID can help. But raid uses multiple
drives as backups in case one of them dies. The issue is each raid array requires multiple drives and a
raid cars, and that can work in a desktop pc but now a days homes have many desktops and many
laptops. So setting up raid in them will me expensive and you need multiple harder’s to store all your
data. And laptops can’t hold multiple drives.
And that’s where a nas or a network attached storage comes in the rescue that small little boxes
holds form 1 hard drive to a large raid configuration which act as a safe central storage hub for all
your data and as they are attached to a the network they can be accessed remotely. And from a
multiple clients means they can be accessed from a many pc and mobile devices.
They also run their own operating systems with which you can do crazy stuff like nightly backups of
all your pc’s and photos backups at of all mobile devisee. Some of them run Linus also access your
data from anywhere from the world, early accessible data from anywhere from the world just using
a web browser or a mobile app easily and securely share file with others and many more.
After hearing these things you will say ok, if I want my data on the go why can’t I use something like
drop box or google drive. Hold on my friend get seated and prepare yourself for the ride my friend.
The coolest thing about a nas or a personal cloud as sellers like to call is you can scale you own
capacity of storage without paying any monthly fee, no companies seeing your stuff. It’s all is kept
on your own server that’s belongs to you and you the master of that server.
Sounds cool right, hold on my friend
Using a nas doesn’t means that you are backing up your data. First, raid is just redundancy which
protects against hard drive fliers and backup means two or more copies of the same data in different
locations and backups can protects against viruses, accidental deletion, hard wearer failed etc.
So in a typical home situation, get a two bay nas and set it up at raid 1, so you will get data
redundancy and in a external hard drive backup that nas regularly.
Please like this video and subscribe if you want to see that if apple a9 chip can tack over intel dual
core processor.